Episode 7: Professor CB Bhattacharya | How to integrate sustainability into the business

In this episode of the Sustainability Agenda, Professor CB Bhattacharya, one of the word’s leading sustainability researchers, gives his perspective on his evolution of corporate sustainability over recent decades....

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Episode 6: Hazel Henderson| The future of sustainability

When it comes to getting a perspective on the future of sustainability, who better to speak to than renowned author, futurist and sustainability pioneer Hazel Henderson. A long-time pioneer...

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Episode 5: Mardi McBrien | Why we need to integrate climate change-related information into mainstream financial reporting

It took many decades over the early 20th Century for a standardised way of presenting financial information to investors to evolve. A similar process is now under way in...

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Episode 4: Susan Burns | What the ecological footprint tells us

By many measures, humans have shown themselves to be a pretty successful species. But we are living unsustainably. We are consuming more resources than the Earth can provide– we...

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Episode 3: Mike Barry | The path to become the world’s most sustainable retailer

Marks & Spencer launched its Plan A progamme in 2007 with the ambition to make the company the world’s most sustainable major retailer. This far-reaching ecological and ethical programme...

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Episode 1: Ioannis Ioannou | The cast iron business case for sustainability

In the first episode of the Sustainability Agenda, Professor Ioannis Ioannou, a noted sustainability scholar at London Business School unveils the latest research on corporate sustainability.  The long-assumed trade-off...

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